Hi guys! Sorry it's been a while but I'm not blogging as much lately as I have a lot less to moan about! This blog is like therapy for me and when there's not much to moan about I don't think about blogging. I do love blogging and could write all day long but that would just get boring.
So what have I been up to? Well as you probably all know (and most of the world) I am getting married in October so most of my time is spent wedding planning. Mum has been helping too as she is retired now so has lots of free time. Mum and me are in our element! We have ring-binders, wedding folders and all sorts of Monica-esque type things! Sami has had some involvement but doesn't seem as keen to organise as my Mum and I (as long as he turns up I don't care) he works very hard and most evenings works late so the last thing he wants to do when he gets home at 8pm is talk about place cards and calligraphy! I run things by him and make sure he's happy but mostly this is mine and Mum's wedding!
Sami, Mum, Dad and I went out for dinner last night to an Indian restaurant a few miles away as the singer I've booked for the wedding sings there on Wednesday evenings. I booked him a few months ago after reading about him on someone else's blog. I had a good feeling so booked him there and then which, looking back was a bit stupid as I hadn't even heard him sing yet! After booking him I listened to him on Soundcloud and thankfully his voice is lovely and after last night I am delighted he will be singing at our wedding. Oooh I can't wait! I'm sooooo excited. We booked the singer and a DJ so they will alternate throughout the evening. And I'm sure my Dad will get on the mic at some point!
I'm surprised how decisive I have been with this wedding - I didn't imagine I'd be like this. I chose my wedding dress within minutes and only tried on two. What's the point in faffing about? I know I would have tried on 20 more and after many tantrums, a lot of sweat and maybe a rash from so much scratchy and highly flammable material, ended up back in the first shop with the first dress I tried on. I booked the singer without looking at 100's of others, again what's the point? We only looked at one venue - we both walked in, looked at each other and said, 'This is the one' so we booked it that day. Sami chose the colour scheme and I said 'Ooh that sounds nice. Lets do that.' When Mum and I went to the florist the other day the florist asked what I wanted I said I don't care as long as it looks pretty. I think she was a bit surprised! She told me I'm the most relaxed bride she's ever seen. Hmmm I'm sure my bridezilla will be unleashed at some point!
I didn't want this wedding to take over our lives or cause stress so if we/I like it I've just gone for it. The last thing I wanted to do was traipse around hundreds of wedding venues every Saturday or the dreaded wedding fayres. OMG I'd rather gauge out my own eyes with a spoon. So luckily for me I haven't faffed about and Mum has been on hand to help with everything. Weddings are great but people forget what it's actually all about and for me, the marriage bit is way more important. I definitely underestimated how much goes into a wedding though!
Ok enough about the wedding (it's pretty much my only topic of conversation these days) I will tell you what else I've been up to...Hmm it involves more weddings! My best friend is getting married in May and her sister and I have been organising her hen do which unfortunately I can't talk about here as she might read it but it's going to be AWESOME! So much debauchery!
Sami and I went to his friend Matt's wedding the other day which was lovely. They had a brilliant sunny day - the warmest March day ever! However, There was a bit of a carfuffle with my outfit for the wedding and Sami and I fell out a bit! We went to 8 weddings last year and this year we have 7 and I got bored of wearing the same old thing which is usually a floral dress from Coast or somewhere similar so I decided I'd wear something a bit different. The look I wanted to go for was 'ladylike chic' so I bought this amazing Jumpsuit - it had blushy/pink coloured wide legged trousers and the top half was cream with sequins - it was amazing and I managed to find shoes and a jacket to compliment it perfectly. I put it all on and showed Sami to which he said 'You can't wear a jumpsuit to a wedding!' I was a bit surprised but thought hmm actually yeah maybe this is a bit too out there for a wedding.
Here is a pic:

The shoes

I sent it back and bought a sparkly dress but it was a bit too sparkly and not really appropriate for a wedding. I then went to Topshop and bought a skirt suit. I was with my mum and she said it looked lovely and a girl in the changing room said it looked good so I got it and when I came home Sami hated it! It's so weird because he usually likes what I wear but he really disliked it. Had I of not been sure, his opinion probably would have made me return it but when I looked in the mirror I thought it looked nice so I said to him 'well I don't dress for you, I dress for me and I feel good so I'm wearing it!' I sent a pic of me in it to a few friends and their opinions were very mixed - one said I looked like a politicians wife, another said it looked like something someone on TOWIE would wear and a few others said it was lovely and looked really nice. But again I just thought eff it, I like it so I'm gonna wear it and that I did!
Here's a pic:

I had my hair done by the lady who will be doing my wedding hair and I was pleased with how she did it. I can't do anything like that. I'm useless with that sort of stuff.
I've got two weddings next month but they are only evening invites and then we have a wedding in June in the South of France which I'm very excited about. I was thinking of getting this dress:

I love getting all dressed up for a wedding!
Lupus-wise I've been relatively alright. I'm still working one day a week and I'm trying to do two days when I'm up to it. I went to work yesterday and it was very busy so today I'm just going to chill at home. I'm currently in bed with a cup of a tea! I want to go out and do stuff but I know I have to rest after a busy day and I'm aching quite a lot so I'm being strict with myself. I've definitely come to terms with the fact that I have to rest even if I don't want to. I would like to have gone to work today but it wouldn't have been a good idea so I'm chilling against my will.
I'm sure I've mentioned it in my blog before but I will mention it again - I bought a weighted hula hoop just after Christmas after reading an article about a lady who hula hooped every day for a month and lost 4lbs and an inch off her waist and as it's low intensity exercise I thought it would be good for me. I bought a normal hula hoop first and once I could actually do it I bought the weighted one which weighs around 2lbs and it's actually easier to keep up. I do it for around 10 minutes a day (on days I am feeling well) and it's made a huge difference! Since January I have lost 9lbs and 2 inches off my waist. I probably would have lost more but I had period of around 2 weeks where I wasn't well. It's so easy and it actually works. At first I was really bruised but after a week your body gets used to it and it doesn't bruise or hurt anymore. I'm now thinking about getting one that weighs 4lb. I'm hardcore like that.
Here are some pics:
The hoop:
The nobbly bits are supposed to help massage your stomach and prevent cellulite

The results: Ignore the pyjamas
The pic on the left is in Jan and the one on the right is after 6 weeks

The bruising:

I wanted to write about it as I want to tell the world - I feel like I've discovered something amazing!
I had such a horrible year last year and I definitely spent most of it in bed so I decided at the beginning of this year that on days I am feeling good I will do exercise and obviously I want to be in the best shape I can be in for the wedding. I also want to stay that way! Plus if Sami and I want to start trying for a baby I understand it's better to be in good shape and easier to get rid of the weight after. So there you have it - hooping works!
A friend of a friend's daughter has recently been diagnosed with Lupus and asked me for advice. I didn't really know what to say other than all you can do is be supportive, learn as much as you can about the disease and hope for the best. I was happy to be asked as it's my way of helping others with this disease. Sometimes when I am in a particularly positive frame of mind like today, I think to myself if I didn't have Lupus then I wouldn't be able to help others with it. I often receive messages from people who have read this blog saying it helped them or cheered them up or they show it to their friends or family to help them understand what they are going through and things like that make me feel really good because I've helped someone that day. This illness also helped me discover my love of writing which has now become more of a compulsion! So it's not all bad.
I'm thinking of going on a creative writing course in order to help me to learn how to write book. I've been wanting to do it for a ages but I never actually pull my finger out and do it! It's time. As soon as I log off I'm going to look into it and hopefully next time I blog I will be able to say I've started my course!
Ok, I've waffled on enough for one day!
212 days until the wedding! Ahhhhhh!!!
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