27 Feb 2015

If you don't like it, don't fucking read it.


I still can't get over the fact it's 2015 and it's nearly March.  How did that happen?  Anyway, just thought I'd do a little update for y'all.  I'm still confused by the fact people actually read this blog. I mean it's great that people do but I still find it weird that people are interested in my waffle.

Some arsehole complained to me after they read a few of my posts and said they didn't like my blog because I swear too much, my answer to that was quite simple 'Don't fucking read it then.'  No, I didn't actually say that, I just said, 'I appreciate your feedback but if you don't like it then don't read it.'

I do swear a lot but this is a blog about living with 3 chronic and painful illnesses so there are going to be times when I feel the need to swear and sometimes a good old expletive helps me to emphasise a point, especially a pain related one. Ah well, that woman can go back to reading Enid Blyton or whatever.

I've had quite an action packed couple of weeks, firstly I went to the dentist and had a filling. I was so brave, I only cried a tiny bit. I am so pathetic when it comes to the dentist, my sister in law came with me to make sure I didn't run away but I was good.  The dentist told me that as a result of Sjogrens syndrome and one of my medications I have gum disease and early signs of bone loss so that was nice.  I wasn't expecting that to be honest but I knew it would come at some point in my life.

Sjogrens is the other auto-immune disease I have which is when the immune system is a bit stupid and attacks the salivary glands and tear ducts which causes dry eyes and mouth. Other symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and swelling, muscle pain, fatigue and memory issues which Lupus can also cause so I have the double whammy.  I can't tell the difference in symptoms except when my eyes are super dry then I know it's sjogrens and not Lupus, sometimes both flare up the same time. Erm so yeah anyway as I was saying, when you have Sjogrens you are more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay because your mouth is dry and doesn't get rid of bacteria as effectively.  I know someone else with sjogrens who doesn't have many of their own teeth left.  And the bone loss is due to steroid medication.  I've done a whole post on steroids and the awful side effects because there are so many - if you scroll down to the bottom of the blog you should see it - it's one of my most popular posts for some reason.

So after my gum disease/bone loss scare I decided I should probably have my eyes checked, partly due to having sjogrens but also because I have terrible, terrible eye sight (my prescription is +7) and I am on a drug called plaquinil which can damage the back of your eye so I should have them checked every 6 months or so. Plus I wear contacts most days and haven't had my eyes checked in over 5 years so yeah, it was time.  Thankfully all is well and my prescription remains the same which was amazing news as since the age of 3 every time I've had my eyes checked they have deteriorated so I was super happy. I got some new glasses which was a nice treat - £329 though. Never mind at least I have some nice glasses now.

I also went to see my GP as my hand keeps swelling up - here's a pic of it yesterday:

She said it's probably a repetitive strain injury from work but personally I don't think it is because it swelled up yesterday and I had a chilled day all day and haven't been at work since Sunday.  Anyway she told me to take anti-inflammatories everyday for 2 weeks and come back if it's not better.  The only problem with that is I take aspirin every day for my blood so I've already been doing what she told me to.  She also sent me for a blood test to check the amount of inflammation in my body in case it's lupus related and I have to see her in 2 weeks to discuss so we will see.  God only knows what's going on.  I don't think it's Lupus because usually it's symmetrical and I'd have pain and swelling in both hands and probably other parts of my body but I haven't so I have no idea.  I'll just have to wait and see.

Bloomin exhausting keeping on top of all the things Lupus/Sjogrens can do/does to your body!

I don't really have any other news.  Ooooh I did have my hair cut today which was nice.  Wow, I've really been looking after myself lately! My hair is a lot thinner than it used to be due to plaquinil so although I'd love to have it long I think it looks fuller when it's shorter so I got over trying to have long hair and went for the chop.  I've had really short hair before when I was on the chemo drugs but I hated it, I think it was because it was too short and the fact that it wasn't my choice but this time it was my choice so it's not so depressing.

Ohmygod I do have other news - I checked how many views my blog has had and it says half a million.  I don't know if that means that many people have read my posts or if it's just people clicking on it and then obviously there are regular readers but still, half a mil?? I have no idea but last time I looked it was 30,000 and now it's 450,000.  How?? I genuinely do forget people read this, to me it's just like a little diary or a way to vent, it really does help me, especially on the really bad days where I'm in so much pain I don't know what to do with myself. I come on here, type some shite, get all my frustration out, press enter and it feels like it's gone then I get a message from someone else suffering with lupus or another painful disease and they'll say my post made them feel better or they understand how I feel and then I realise I'm not alone.... That was quite deep wasn't it? Hahaha lets all hold hands and talk about our pain and emotional turmoil. Hahaha sorry about that!

For once most of what I've had to say is positive (apart from the fact that I will probably be toothless in a few years) but hey, that's a while off yet so lets not think about that for now.

Right, I need to go to bed - I'm up at 5.30am.  It's very odd working at 7am on a Saturday, I haven't worked at the weekend since I was 17! Na-nights. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. xxx

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